Sunday, July 6, 2008

One Dollar a year and Bullets

When this happened I was totally shocked (JUTC Chairman Shot). I didn't post any comments on this issue, as I felt that others with better insight, or living with the type of corruption that Douglas Chambers was trying to expel from the fabric of the JUTC, that they needed to express themselves.

There was a penned contribution by Danville Walker, which is self explanatory, and can be read here in which he states "Douglas Chambers' murder was a strike against authority and some are hoping that all who stand up for order will be afraid to take action and to lead your organization to be free of the parasites who have come to believe that they have the right to live off the industry of the rest of us"

There was also an insightful blog, by someone who was a friend and member of the JUTC Board, thus having a vested interest and direct relationship with Douglas Chambers. This blog can be read here, which states "It is a very sad day for our country when someone with all the intentions to make this country better is slain. For it is saying to us that if you try to do anything to improve Jamaica, and help to improve the lives of Jamaicans, then you will not make it."

This is in no way trying to demean the other 700 murders that have taken place in Jamaica since the beginning of 2008, alas, this assassination should be seen as anarchy against the state.

I did not know Douglas Chambers, however, I will take this opportunity to express my condolences to his family and friends.

To Mr Douglas Chambers, God speed, and may your soul rest in peace. You work on this earth is done and you are in a better place.

Where men/women do nothing, evil triumphs.

Walk good

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