I will not make any predictions or resolutions as they rarely come to fruition. I will not ask for peace, as that is a futile waste of time. What I am going to look at are some musings with cogitation and reflections.
-My adopted country become more tolerant, without demeaning its traditions.
-My adopted country pulls out of Afghanistan
-The Bush Administration in the US stop pushing their agenda down everybody's throat.
-That the world smiles when statements from politicians are uttered like "Mistakes were made"
-My birth country stop paying homage to the phrase "Nero fiddles while Rome burns"
-Countries and individuals find a way to address the serious problem of "Climate Change"
This is not a sermon, or is it intended to be an Epistle to the Masses. I do not consider myself that influencial. This blog session is not about ranting, but some reflections.
I started blogging and made it clear that I was not doing it for accolades, and that still remains. However, I will take this opportunity to express my thanks to all those who visited and/or posted comments.
To those bloggers who added my blog to their links, I am truly humbled and it is appreciated.
hahahaha it turns into accolades sooner or later - you cannot resist
Am I to believe that "resistance is futile"?
keep it up
happy new year
A Happy New Year to you also.
Walk Good
Happy New Year, Morpheus. Whatever the predictions may be, I'm still wishing you a blessed year in which your biggest dreams are fulfilled. Glad to have you as a blog friend. :)
Thanks for your kind words.
I wish you a blessed year.
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