Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Economic Upheaval and Social Unrest

A few months ago, I devoted three sessions in discussing "Social Power". A few days ago an article came across my desk. This article started me thinking along a path that is dark, foreboding and in some respects "unthinkable".
Will the present Economic upheaval cause Social Unrest, more suicides or the destruction of the human spirit?
Quoting from the article:
"The global economic meltdown has already caused bank failures, bankruptcies, plant closings, and foreclosures and will, in the coming year, leave many tens of millions unemployed across the planet. But another perilous consequence of the crash of 2008 has only recently made its appearance: increased civil unrest and ethnic strife. Someday, perhaps, war may follow."
This is a serious thought process, and I hesitate to consider the unthinkable.

The article goes on further:
"As people lose confidence in the ability of markets and governments to solve the global crisis, they are likely to erupt into violent protests or to assault others they deem responsible for their plight, including government officials, plant managers, landlords, immigrants, and ethnic minorities. (The list could, in the future, prove long and unnerving.) If the present economic disaster turns into what President Obama has referred to as a “lost decade,” the result could be a global landscape filled with economically-fueled upheavals."
This sounds pathetic and has a wisp of a "doomsday" scenario.

It also states:
"The riots that erupted in the spring of 2008 in response to rising food prices suggested the speed with which economically-related violence can spread. It is unlikely that Western news sources captured all such incidents, but among those recorded in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal were riots in Cameroon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, and Senegal."

Read the article in its entirety Economic Crash Will Fuel Social Unrest

Walk Good

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