Monday, June 9, 2008

Divine Intervention is Required

The only hope for Jamaica is Divine Intervention, it is now the Killing Fields.

What is the meaning of Divine Intervention?
An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God: “Miracles are spontaneous, they cannot be summoned, but come of themselves”

I have, on numerous occasions, added my voice, through this blog about the serious nature of crime in Jamaica. I have used the word "war", "domestic terrorists" and "termites" to describe the situation and the mindset of the wanton murders in my country.

Is there any among us with soul so dead who does not assert that this country is my native land? Who has not considered that the future and safety of our land must transcend class, race, political or religious preferences?

Alas, my hope is fading and tears run down my face with a tinge of the blood of my father.

At this point in time, it is hopeless to expect that there will be less than 1400 murders in Jamaica by the end of the year. Whatever protocols are instituted now(2008), will not see substantive results until 2011. In the meantime, it is predictable that some 4000-5000 will die before the Killing Fields are laid red with the blood of our brothers and sisters.

What did the political masters do, in the past decade, to curb the wanton murders?

If anything was learned during the past decade, it is how not to do anything or repeat the same protocols, while expecting different results. That philosophy is the thought process of a idiotic fool.

My God, My God, why has thou forsaken my country.

Jamaica has become un-governable and requires divine intervention.

Il est sans espoir

I have given up any hope of Jamaica recovering from the Killing Fields.

Peace and Walk Good.


Anonymous said...

Divine intervention!!

Morpheus Rablings said...

Yes, divine intervention/miracle.
Lets take a look at the number of murders in Jamaica since 1989.
Now you do the math and let the rest of the world know how these murders can be reduced, significantly, in five years, unless there is a miracle.
Walk Good my friend