Sunday, September 9, 2007


Originally uploaded by Hoofheart

This was taken at the entrance to the park close to where I live. The perceived beauty of the colours mask the harsh reality of what it signals is coming.
Yes .... WINTER
Now the preparation begins for the next few weeks/.months to prepare for the onslaught.

-get snowblower repaired

-change car tires for winter

-have furnace serviced

-have car serviced and all fluids replaced

-caulk all air spaces around the house

-check winter boots, replace if worn

-check mitts, gloves and scarves replace if required

-check winter coats

-all outside furniture to be stored inside

-check snow shovel(s)

-prepare lawn and plants for winter hibernation


Swear that it is the last winter you will live in the great white, cold north.

Walk Good

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those colours look vivid