Monday, February 7, 2011

Caverns or Potholes

Don't compare your city/location with my Ottawa.
The daily thaw/freeze cycle has left Ottawa streets littered with potholes the size of compact cars. Manhole covers (if that is not politically correct for you, call it Personhole ..jeez!!!) are like islands surrounded by moats, crack have opened up like crevasses, ridges rise up like concrete curbs. The streets are obstacle courses and Ottawans drive like slalom racers, weaving in and out of the asphalt pits and pylons. No wonder the emergency vehiles (EMS/Police/Fire) need so much of my taxes to fix them, as the potholes destroy the suspension of these vehicles on a daily basis. Drivers need to be alert and vigilant or risk loosing a wheel or bits of body to the road hazards.
The flaws in the road are not minor and test both your car's agility and the drivers reflexes. Hit one of those holes and you know it: you feel the jarring crash and feel for the pain that has been inflicted on the car. Broken suspensions and bent rims are but a few of the expensive repairs that are required. If you have a conscience you will stop, check all four wheels and caress a fender before cursing the city for leaving the roads in such awful conditions.
But the relentless winter weather just keeps on rolling.

Ahh Sah
Walk Good.

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