Saturday, December 18, 2010

2010 is Ending

If I may take this opportunity to wish everyone, who ventures into this space, a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and safe New Year. It does not matter what religion or creed you are, the wish is given with a free and compassionate heart.
To all those going through tough times, remember that He gave his life to save ours, therefore, our hardships pale in comparison.
No one person can change the world, but one person can make a difference within a community, and in doing so, provide some happiness to one person within that community.
As the song says:
This night
We pray
Our lives
Will show
This dream
He had
Each child
Still knows
We are waiting
We have not forgotten

Please take a moment to listen and watch this video.

May God Bless whoever cares to read this blog.

Walk Good


Corve DaCosta said...

If you are a Jamaican please head on over to our webpage and nominate your blog with others

Anonymous said...

merry Christmas and a prosperous new year to u and urs

Morpheus Rablings said...

Hi Corve
Thanks for dropping by, and I appreciate the invite.

Morpheus Rablings said...

@ uncensoredthoughts
I humbly wish you the same... give your son a big hug.