Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hypocritical Blogging

This came across my desk, and I thought I would share.
Some of it is not my original.
My thanks to the person who penned this piece.

Better to write for yourself and have no public,
than to write for the public and have no self.

-Cyril Connolly

The quote is the most hypocritical thing a blogger could say.

Write for yourself and have no public
This is the starving artist syndrome.

Write for the public and have no self
This is the artist wanting to be successful at any cost and defining success as fame and fortune.

Write for the public and have a self
It is possible to write for the public and deliver your weekly reports and still have a self. But only if you have something else that motivates you. It can be going home to your family or writing a blog at night.

But if your job makes it impossible to spend time with your family or to write, you're losing your self and you know that you're living a lie. Your means has become the end and your passion is dying.

Write for yourself and have a public
In a perfect world, your job is something that you would do anyway and it doesn't even feel like a job. It might take you a lifetime to find out what you really want or to gather the courage to go for it.

Just keep in mind that those who are living their dreams usually worked as long and hard as the ones aiming for fame and money. But they were reaching for something they truly wanted and continue to be disciplined and dedicated to this day.

Walk Good

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice post! Hmm, I hope to someday find a well paying job that I enjoy... right now that's a figment of my imagination... I just need a job! lol!

But we all need something to look to, to prevent us from being consumed by our job and loose ourselves.