Political scientists will stagger gibbering witless to their graves trying to figure out why the Prime Minister decided to kick off a brand new session of a civil parliament, in the middle of a world economic crisis, by the most lethal partisan jab at the opposition in the history of Confederation.
He's either dumb or arrogant. Those are the only options to explain why he pitched a live grenade into the underwear of the opposition parties last Thursday, within, as it were, five seconds of the new Session starting. Either too dumb to know the furies he was releasing, or too arrogant to care.
A federal government enabled by a separatist party is a contradiction in terms, in logic, and in national honour.
I am aghast and mortified by the recent political squabbling which has taken centre stage in our house of parliament. It seems that the opposition parties have let the cat out of the bag and exposed themselves for what they actually are (a bunch of power hungry self serving indignants who would rather put their personal interest ahead of that of their countries economic stability).
The Bloc Quebecois with their 50 seats in Quebec hold the balance of power which will allow this treasonous party to once again seal the fate of the rest of Canada by undermining the Government elect. This is no mistake! and don’t for a second believe that this is not by design. Our sometimes Canadian friends in the province of Quebec are quite a politically astute bunch.
Ironic isn’t it, that a party who’s (Claimed) single purpose for existence is the removal of Quebec from the Canadian union, is the very party who has the power to decide the fate of the rest of Canada in this ridiculous attempt to undermine the democratic process.
Liars, all *(&^%$# liars.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Walk Good
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