Thursday, November 15, 2012

Are they serious?

Ever since President Obama took office, there seems to be a rise in racial slurs and a widening of the racial divide in the USA.
Then I read this article and I thought "are they serious".
Why would anyone think the same way as in the late 60's and 70's toward race?

I quote  ....... we now hear that school children from Maine to California are talking about wanting to “assassinate Obama.” .... say what?

Then we have Pat Buchanan spewing this diatribe and we need to ask will it never end?

Until next time
Walk Good and God Bless

Windows 8 -Upgrade

I usually do not like to give my opinion on technology issues, as there are so many who have no clue what I am talking about or get upset because I expressed my constructive feedback, so here goes.
Microsoft's Windows 8 became available to the public on October 26th, and many have had no problems upgrading or doing a clean install, while others have had nightmares doing the upgrades.
I have been using Windows since it was Win256, which pre-dates Win98, and I can say without a doubt that Windows 8 is a game changer as far as all the previous iterations are concerned. It is totally different and to those who do not like "change" do not use it, but those who embrace "change", then the problems are challenges to overcome and not "I don't like it" but have not used it syndrome.
If Microsoft's Windows 8 Upgrade Advisor tells you that your present AV is compatible, take my advice and uninstall it before doing the upgrade, if not you will only get grief. After the upgrade, then you can re-install your AV, but here is a word of caution ... make sure that the AV is totally compatible with Windows 8. Check the forums and search the internet to make sure of compatibility. Some well respected AV's (up to a week ago ..Avira) were not compatible and gave BSOD when they were installed on a Windows 8 OS, however, Avira has fixed it and it is now working, but it took them almost 19 days, after the OS was released,  to patch it.
Some other AV's are still having problems Reference1 Reference2
Windows 8 Upgrade Advisor does a fairly good job and ALL the incompatible items (hardware/software) MUST be updated before you attempt to install Windows 8. Before you install, go on the Internet and read as much as you can on what to expect when installing Windows 8.

Windows 8 is not for everybody, because a lot of stuff that you maybe familiar with in Vista/Windows7 is not where you expect them to be. Please remember that support for Windows 7 will not end until 2015, so you have time. It is vital that you visit this web site or others like it to familiarize yourself with Windows 8.

There are lots of articles which outline the pitfalls of Windows 8, so read this one also .

So until next time
Walk Good