Friday, August 24, 2007

Wadda Ya At

Wadda Ya At
That may sound strange, however, it is the term used in Newfoundland, Canada (it is also called The Rock) as a welcome. It roughly translates as “HI” or “How are you”. The people of Newfoundland and Labrador are called “newfies” and they are sometimes the butt of jokes from the rest of Canada. I will say that most of it is unfounded as they are a great lot of people from “Down East” as they are often called. Just for the record, they call everyone "b'wy" (boy) but it has NO racist overtones. I have travelled there often (job related) and I always come return with a smile and laughing at some joke that they often use to describe what is going on at the time.
If you want to read more of what and how they say stuff, visit these pages.

I intend to touch a few topics in a brief manner. So bear with me here.

I will strongly refrain from making any suggestions or comments on this subject; however, I will reserve the right to ask questions on specific issues (education, health, job creation, economy). I am non-partisan, so I do not support either party; however, I strongly support Jamaica and Jamaicans. One of the main reasons why I refrain is the conception that the diaspora (I am one) can sit in their adopted country and become self righteous in suggesting that the Government of Jamaica must do this or that …. Excuse me, but that is looking at the world through rose coloured glasses. Using the cryptic phrase “You don’t know what it feel like till yu wear the bun boot”. We (the diaspora) can make valid contributions towards the betterment of our country by actions and investments in the economy of our homeland, but not by becoming arm chair quarterbacks.

There are other “blogs” that cover this subject in a much better manner than I would or could, so I suggest that you visit these below.

It is often regarded (in this province) that the moment the National Exhibition begins, then summer is over and the children go back to school. I went to Costco last week and they had Christmas decorations and Christmas Trees on the shelf. Give me a break …. That is just pushing it a bit too far, it is only the end of August.

Yesterday I went to the eye specialist and he informs me that I need an operation on my eyes. Great news, but I have to wait until January 9th and February 20th to have both operations. So I have to wait four months. Now you may say “C’mon , you are lucky that you even get a date that early”. That is so true. Consider that 12 months ago the wait times for this type of operation was nine months, so in relative terms there is improvement in the wait times in this country. So my intended visit to Jamaica will be postponed until March or April and that is a bummer.

To all those who granted me the permission to add their “blogs” to mine, I want to say “thanks” and it is appreciated.

Walk good.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Opinions and Observations

Before writing my first blog yesterday, I tried to educate myself on this “blogging” phenomenon.

I got the impression that “blogs” fall into some distinct categories.

These are individual(s) who post blogs with a specific political agenda. While this is acceptable in a free society, these bloggers tend to be one sided and spill their diatribe without giving any equal dissertation to the other side of the political divide. They refuse to encourage any discussion that is against what they consider to be their own political agenda.

This group of bloggers tend to spill their distaste by any means possible. Because of the annominity of the internet, they are able to do this without any ramifications ….. but wait there are consequences. In this litigious society there are repercussions.

I have never kept a hard cover diary and if I did, I would not want 50, 0000 people to read my personal thoughts. Not that it would have been coherent, but it would be something PRIVATE.
Some bloggers write as if to say they want us (the readers) to read their diary and make comments. Now I am asking myself, what is the reason for this type of blog. Is it because these bloggers need some feedback into their lives to be better human beings or they need to portray themselves as larger than they really are in real life. I am not writing for accolades.

In my humble opinion, there is a thin line between a “diary” and writing about your own life experiences. In expressing your experiences, you are not only learning from them, but hoping that your mistakes become the tool for others to utilize and avoid. This could take the image of instituting change for the better and having some positive impact on the reader. It is often said “If you say you can’t or you say you can, then you are right”, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The reader may or may not leave any comments, and that is not a prerequisite to reading it in the first place.

The internet has evolved to be a powerful tool and it is available to be utilized to effect change. I have taken the liberty to add some quotes from my years of majoring in English Literature.

Change to end the suffering in Darfur.
He who knows how to appreciate color relationships, the influence of one color on another, their contrasts and dissonances, is promised an infinitely diverse imagery.- Sonia Delaunay

Change for better understanding and acceptance of the different religions, hence reducing the prevalence of terrorists.
Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.
- Robert Louis Stevenson

Change towards establishing peace in the world., thus eliminating war.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
- Mahatma Gandhi

Change to understand and have a positive effect on the changing climate that is affecting the planet we call home.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Change to eliminate the poverty that is affecting people in various countries.
Hope is necessary in every condition.
The miseries of poverty, sickness and captivity would,
without this comfort, be insupportable.
--Samuel Johnson

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Living in Ottawa, Canada

It has been some twenty years of living in this city. As the capital of Canada, it is a serene place to live.
Over the past few years it has undergone some changes, some for the worse and some for the better. The local (municipal) politicians have been forced to think in the 21st century and deal with the present problem of budget and services and stop being parochial.
The city is seen as the seat of the Federal Government by the rest of the country, however, it is also home to millions of hard working people who may or may not have anything to do with the Federal Government.
For those of us living here, it is a city for families with lots of things to do and catering to families with children.
The proximity to Quebec and the Governments insistence that ALL services be in both official languages creates a population of bi-lingual residents. But the problem is deeper than meets the eye, as most of the French speaking residents (francophones) live in the eastern parts of the city, and the anglophones (english speaking) live in the western part of the city. Although most do not speak about it, this division is problematic.
In summer the weather is wonderful and hot, almost tropical, but with high humidity. Tje winters are bitterly cold. (I was told some years ago that it is the second coldest city in the world .... I don't want to live or visit the first ranked in this category). I lived in Toronto before relocating here, and I must say that Toronto does not have winter compared to Ottawa. In Jan. and Feb. the average temperature is -25C ... yes it is cold.
This is my first blog so I will cover other topics as I go along.